Monday, April 26, 2010

Travel Lite: a not so new plan

I am going to travel this world; I mean to, I will because it belongs to me. I recently placed a projection board on the wall at the side of my bed, written on it are a list of things I plan to accomplish. One of those goals is: "to travel the world extensively." Thus far, I've been to about 4/7 continents (Africa, North America, South America, and Europe) as well as Central America and a few islands: Trinidad, Dominica, Barbados et al. experience junkie of sorts, if I hadn't had the experience, I want it.

One's life aligns with what goes on in one's head: the universal law of attraction. I believe I cannot sit still; therefore, I refuse to take relaxing vacations, peruse a beach, drink cocktails, and get massages. My preference is to backpack across countries' borders; photograph places, people, animals etc. as I go, drink the local ale, swim in different bodies of water, purchase embroidered flag patches for my travel pack, document my experience, learn, grow, and enjoy some time spent with the "locals." Dreams to reality...

My new dream destination as of recent is Turkey and India. And I will talk about travelling from California to Guyana via land another time--aaaahhh, that's therapy. For the past five years, on random days I find myself going to to price check flights to random destinations, and believe it or not, those are some of the happiest moments I spend in front of my computer.

So where to, immediately? I'll be returning to my homeland in a few months; 'repatriating' for a week and then a border crossing to the country south west of home.

All while following the Ade travelling rule(s) of course i.e. travelling lite. So what does it mean to travel lite: a bag pack, few pairs of underwear, socks, few t-shirts, toiletries, my trusty pocket knife, iPod, 2 books, 2 SLR cameras with a variety of lens, slippers, and pair of hiking boots all on the back of one awesome dude.

Travel Lite